Storage acceptance logic
Control deal acceptance based on the realtime state of the sealing pipeline.
Access: Storage
> Acceptance logic
With Acceptance logic the miner can be configured to accept deals based on simple, combined or computed states of sectors in the sealing pipeline but also time of the day, Filecoin price, etc….
A storage acceptance logic is based on diverse criterias:
- Sealing pipeline sectors state
- Temporal factors, like the time of day or day of the wee
- FIL price (to be introduced in the near future)
- Concurrent Download Thresholds (to be introduced in the near future)
Acceptance logic is the last component of the CIDgravity pipeline, it occurs after the pricing validation (for more information on how proposals are processed : reference.
Like a pricing model, an acceptance logic can be :
- attached to clients
- defined as default, meaning it applies to storage proposal from unregistered clients or from clients without acceptance logic defined.
How it works
CIDgravity implements JSON-formatted logic.
Here is an illustrative example of a CIDgravity JSON logic:
The storage acceptance logic is based on the following components:
: sector state, date, etc…Values
: integer, time, day of the weekAdvanced operations
: +, -, *, /Comparison signs
: >, <, =, any, between, etc…
Curio specific
Sealing pipeline - Deal states
These variables correspond to the states of the deals within the sealing pipeline, excluding errors or faulty states.
Value | Description | |
Waiting download (accepted) | Deals that have been accepted but not yet downloaded (online + offline deals) | |
Downloading | Online deals that are actually downloading | |
Publishing | Online deals that are downloaded but not published onChain yet | |
Sealing | ย Deals in the sealing pipeline not proving yet |
Sealing pipeline - Sector states
These variables correspond to the states of the task within the sealing pipeline; tasks are grouped by states : running, pending or failed.
Value | Description |
ANY running tasks | Sum of all running tasks |
ANY pending tasks | Sum of all pending tasks |
ANY failed tasks | Sum of all failed tasks |
SDR | |
Trees | |
PrecommitMsg | |
WaitSeed | |
PoRep | |
CommitMsg | |
Encode | |
Prove | |
Submit | |
MoveStorage |
Boost specific
Sealing pipeline - sector states
These variables correspond to the states within the sealing pipeline, excluding errors or faulty states.
Value | Description | |
WaitDeals | waiting for more pieces (deals) to be added to the sector | |
Packing | sector not in sealStore, and not on chain | |
AddPiece | put deal data (and padding if required) into the sector | |
GetTicket | generate ticket | |
PreCommit1 | do PreCommit1 | |
PreCommit2 | do PreCommit2 | |
PreCommitting | on chain pre-commit (deprecated) | |
PreCommitWait | waiting for precommit to land on chain | |
SubmitPreCommitBatch | / | |
PreCommitBatchWait | / | |
WaitSeed | waiting for seed | |
Committing | compute PoRep | |
CommitFinalize | cleanup sector metadata before submitting the proof (early finalize) | |
SubmitCommit | send commit message to the chain | |
SubmitCommitAggregate | / | |
CommitAggregateWait | / | |
FinalizeSector | / | |
Proving | / | |
Available | proving CC available for SnapDeals | |
FailedUnrecoverable | / | |
DealsExpired | / | |
RecoverDealIDs | / | |
Faulty | sector is corrupted or gone for some reason | |
FaultReported | sector has been declared as a fault on chain | |
FaultedFinal | fault declared on chain | |
Terminating | / | |
TerminateWait | / | |
TerminateFinality | / | |
Removing | / | |
Removed | / | |
SnapDealsWaitDeals | snap deals / cc update | |
SnapDealsAddPiece | snap deals / cc update | |
SnapDealsPacking | snap deals / cc update | |
UpdateReplica | snap deals / cc update | |
ProveReplicaUpdate | snap deals / cc update | |
SubmitReplicaUpdate | snap deals / cc update | |
WaitMutable | snap deals / cc update | |
ReplicaUpdateWait | snap deals / cc update | |
UpdateActivating | snap deals / cc update | |
ReleaseSectorKey | snap deals / cc update | |
FinalizeReplicaUpdate | snap deals / cc update | |
SnapDealsDealsExpired | / | |
SnapDealsRecoverDealIDs | / | |
AbortUpgrade | / | |
ReceiveSector | for external import |
Sealing pipeline - sector states errors
These variables correspond to number of sectors in error.
Value | Description | |
Any error | Sum of all sector states in error | |
AddPieceFailed | / | |
CommitFinalizeFailed | / | |
SealPreCommit1Failed | / | |
SealPreCommit2Failed | / | |
PreCommitFailed | / | |
ComputeProofFailed | / | |
RemoteCommitFailed | / | |
CommitFailed | / | |
PackingFailed | / | |
FinalizeFailed | / | |
TerminateFailed | / | |
RemoveFailed | / | |
SnapDealsAddPieceFailed | / | |
ReplicaUpdateFailed | / | |
ReleaseSectorKeyFailed | / | |
FinalizeReplicaUpdateFailed | / |
Other variables
CIDgravity also offers variables that are calculated when a proposal is received. These dynamic variables can be incorporated into each stages.
Value | Description | Unit |
ReceivedOnTimeOfDayUTC | datetime utc at which the proposal is analyzed | Datetime |
ReceivedOnDayOfWeek | day of the week at which the proposal is analysed | Day of week |
Values are filled when creating a JSoN logic. The value type is enforced by the JSON logic editor (integer, date, time, etc…).
Supported Comparison signs
Not between
Is null
Is not null
Advanced operations
The storage acceptances logic also supports operations between variables, enabling the combination of multiple variables to construct advanced logic that can fit a wide range of requirements.
Like: (PC1 + AP) < 16
Supported operations
Each operation is limited to a maximum of 2 elements, but operations can be combined to cover more complex opetations.
For example, to sum 3 elements : VariableA + (VariableB + VariableC)
Access advanced operations
Click on the ellipsis icon (โฎ
) and then select Advanced operations
from the dropdown menu.
This will open a menu where supported operations are available.

Manual import from JSON
To facilitate manipulating, editing and sharing JSON logic, CIDgravity implements a JSON import
button available when editing a JSON logic.
It allows: - exporting to clipboard - importing a JSON logic.

Edit the JSON, copy its contents, insert a new JSON structure, and subsequently update the editor by clicking the Import

Manage existing logics

Each acceptance logic listed offers several options:
- View
- Edit
- Remove
- Set as default
Acceptance logic can be tested and troubleshooted from the Playground.