
CIDgravity offers infinite options to manage your acceptance criteria. It can be challenging to foresee how all these parameters will interact. To address this, we introduce the playground, which aids in validating the entire storage deals pipeline. It lets yous imulate the pipeline states and send dummy proposals to the CIDgravity engine and get detailled result.

You can either access the playground directly from :

  • the side bar : Storage > Playground
  • the History by clicking on any proposal, the playground will be automatically populated with the proposal’s values.

Deal proposal details

Input all the proposal information, such as client address, pricing, data size, start epoch, …

Fill the deal proposal details

Fill acceptance logic details

You have the ability to simulate and configure various values related to the sealing pipeline state

You can seamlessly include additional items by utilizing the Add new value button as needed

Lets say you want to simulate what happen when a proposal arrived and there are already 20 ongoing PC1. Simply select the PC1 and set its value to 20.

Fill variable to simulate a storage acceptance logic

Analyse the result


If the proposal is accepted, a green success mark will be display on the right.

You will also get the information of the matching pricing model and storage acceptance logic.

Deal proposal has been accepted

General rejection

If the proposal has been rejected, you will find the reason in the box located on the right.

Deal proposal has been rejected

Acceptance logic rejection

In the event the proposal is rejected. The matching acceptance logic detailled resolution will be displayed. That requires some practice but it’s very powerful for understanding and troubleshooting acceptance logic.

For example, using the following storage acceptance logic:


The playground will display the following result:

  "and": [
      ">=": [
      "<=": [

The rejection reason is attributed to the mismatch between the value set in the Playground, which is PC1 == 7, and the requirement in the acceptance logic, which is PC1 >= 10.