On this page
Provides The list of all the deals received by a miner, with all of its information, as well as the decision taken by CIDgravity
Multiple filter can be combined, such as decision, date, client name or address, pricing and more
Storage history
Access : Storage
> History
You will find a paginated list of all storage deals received by the selected miner
For each deal listed, various options are available:
- Inspect deal proposal: will display the entire deal proposal received as JSON format (valid proposal only)
- Simulate in playground: will load this deal proposal on playground, to simulate and troubleshoot the storage deal processing on it (valid proposal only)
- Inspect acceptance logic: will display the acceptance logic that failed for this deal (rejected proposal only)

Retrieval history
Access : Retrieval
> History
You will find a paginated list of all retrieval deals received by the selected miner
For each deal listed, you will have the option to Inspect the deal proposal. This will display the entire retrieval proposal received as JSON format