
On CIDgravity, you can find 3 different dashboards

Miner availability

When enabling the Miner Status Check option, CIDgravity simulates storage deals by periodically sending test proposals. This process measures miner availability and assesses the state of the sealing pipeline.

These information are used for :

  • evaluating in correlation to the miner settings, if the miner is ready to receive new deals from client.
  • providing the miner status dashboard. This dashboard supersedes the default dashboard. It provides a real-time and historical overview of miner availability, balances, sealing pipeline activity, and other pertinent metrics.

Sealine pipeline panel

Sealine pipeline chart dashboard

To enhance the clarity and readability of a miner’s sealing pipeline status, certain sector states have been grouped into the following categories:

WaitDealsWaitDeals, SnapDealsWaitDeals
APPacking, AddPiece, SnapDealsAddPiece, SnapDealsPacking
ErrorCommitFinalizeFailed, FailedUnrecoverable, SealPreCommit1Failed, SealPreCommit2Failed, PreCommitFailed, ComputeProofFailed, RemoteCommitFailed, CommitFailed, PackingFailed, FinalizeFailed, SnapDealsAddPieceFailed, ReplicaUpdateFailed, ReleaseSectorKeyFailed, FinalizeReplicaUpdateFailed, AbortUpgrade
WaitChainGetTicket, PreCommitting, PreCommitWait, SubmitPreCommitBatch, PreCommitBatchWait, WaitSeed, SubmitCommit, SubmitCommitAggregate, CommitAggregateWait, SubmitReplicaUpdate, WaitMutable, ReplicaUpdateWait, ReplicaUpdateWait
C1/C2Committing, CommitFinalize
FINFinalizeSector, UpdateActivating, ReleaseSectorKey, FinalizeReplicaUpdate

Storage analytics

The storage analytics dashboard can be found under Storage > Analytics On this dashboard, you will find important metrics related to the storage market:

  • reasons of rejection
  • top 10 clients for both accepted and rejected deals
  • repartition of deal params for both accepted and rejected deals
  • historical view for many metrics
Storage analytics dashboard

Retrieval analytics

The storage analytics dashboard can be found under Retrieval > Analytics On this dashboard, you will find important metrics related to the retrieval market:

  • reasons of rejection
  • top 10 peer id for both accepted and rejected retrieval deals
  • historical view for the number of deals (accepted and rejected)
Retrieval analytics dashboard