Error codes

As a Filecoin client, you receive unified rejection code when :

  • a deal you are trying to place to a storage provider using CIDgravity is rejected (using boost or any clients)
  • calling our API to verify miner availability

In this section, we will provide a comprehensive overview of all available return codes. These codes will not change overtime and are designed to give to clients the ability to build automation.

Available error codes

SERVICE_UNAVAILABLEMiner is temporary unavailable, you should retry sending deals later
INVALID_CLIENT_ADDRThe client address provided within the proposal has an invalid format
CLIENT_NOT_AUTHORIZEDThe client address provided is not authorized to send a deal to this provider, you should contact the storage provider to be authorized
BUSYThe storage provider pipeline is currently full, you should try sending deals later
START_EPOCH_TOO_EARLYThe storage provider explicitly asks for more time to seal that deal. Please refer to the minimum time required in the response
DEAL_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTEDThe provider does not accept this type of deal (verified / transport / size / diration / etc… ), either try changing parameters or contact the storage provider
PRICE_TOO_LOWThe provider accepts this type of deal, but the price offered is too low. Refer to the minimum required price in the response
PIECE_CID_DUPLICATEDThis provider has already received a deal from your address with the piece CID (API only)